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“In remembrance of the victims of domestic abuse who on the wings of eagles soar to the heavens in the arms of God” You punched...
Let us cleanse our mind from greed, And hold our heads high…. Let our words still have some semblence of truth And our deeds so...
I take you out of my heart tonight I bid you adieu… You were the one for me I know it in my heart.. I say goodbye With my soul ...
I solemnly pledge to consecrate my life to the service of humanity; I will practice my profession with conscience and dignity; the health of...
Sometimes kids freak you out. It came as a rude shock when my 6-year-old rolled down the car window to throw the just devoured chocolate wra...
I am a Sagittarius and a diehard romantic. I appreciate the evening sunset along the shores as much as the sight of birds flying high. Ga...
"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food," the age-old adage by Hippocrates, is certainly not an obscure and loose d...
"I look out and see you there In the glorious sun so gay… there in the park across the way, you distract me, bother me everywh...
“Borrow trouble for yourself, if that’s your nature, but don’t give it to your neighbor.” Perhaps Rudyard...
Male chauvinism “I have given the best of myself and the best work of my life to help obtain political freedom for women, knowing that...
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