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Friday, 14 September 2012

With love to my dear student Zubair, From Rubina Ma'am

You went the road God laid for you
But you were only twenty two
too young for angels to take you

Hard to believe we wont see the face we loved so dear
Silent till eternity the voice we long to hear.
now too far away for eyes or speech,
But not too far for thoughts to reach,

In all the world we shall not find
A student so wonderfully kind,
So soft a voice, so sweet a smile,
You have burdened us with times of grief

Tears are falling now that you are gone
But in our memory your smiling way will continue to live on

Our hearts are broken but we have one solace you are in his care
 and your memories will remain with us until we join you there

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Because you were and illusion!

I will never know the ecstasy of your warmth
There will be no memories to treasure
and no glimpse of passion to be savored
Coz its time to say goodbye without saying Hi…

My senses will never reel from the strength of our desires
and my love for you will wither before it ignites
The smell of your cologne won't whet my senses
My wanton desire for you will never grow strong
and my dreams will not see the light of the day
Coz its time to say good bye without saying Hi 

You will not know my unleashed passion for you
nor see the hollowness behind my smile
You won't understand the longing in my eyes
The welter of my thoughts will never consume you
and my passion for you won't see the full bloom
Coz its time to say good bye without saying Hi…

Our hearts will  not beat in tandem
nor be consumed by the fire of passion
We will never see the sunset together
that secret smile will never be exchanged
And we won't whisper sweet nothings to each other
Coz its time to say goodbye without saying Hi..

I take you out of my heart tonight

I take you out of my heart tonight
I bid you adieu…
You were the one for me
I know it in my heart..
I say goodbye
With my soul aching
Watching you leave
As I stand crying
There is nothing I can do
But wait until another life,
I will count each moment until that time
When you will be mine..
But for this life, it has to be goodbye… 

Thursday, 10 May 2012

My fight against corruption!

Someone rightly said, "Today one does not have to be a revolutionary to create a storm. Being honest is enough."

Corruption is the symptom of a disease that has as its progenitors, non-transparency in all government functions and lack of accountability. Called rishwat in the local dialect, corruption is eroding the moral foundations of our society. Kashmiriyat and Kashmir once revered for its morality has become engulfed by sleaze and graft and there is something particularly tragic about watching kill with our own hands the legacy of its moral foundations.

Corruption that is all around us, omnipresent, almost like a distorted, antithetical version of ourselves. It is in every alley you turn into, every nook and cranny you might care to peep into. It happens as much in broad daylight as it does behind closed doors. It is as much a part of my life as it is of yours.If there is corruption in society, each one of us is responsible. It is wrong to blame the system. Why do we separate ourselves from the system? Don't we vote the corrupt to power? Don't we endlessly suffer from all deprivations and refuse to raise our voice?

Against the backdrop of this growing corruption, Kashmir Corruption Watch (KCW) is a humble non political beginning to wean the political establishment and government sector from this menace.Tawdry corruption scandals never reach the headlines and it should be our endeavour to highlight them.

The Forum will take up various campaigns to combat corruption including, 'No Criminals in Politics' as an effort to sensitise citizens not to cast their votes in favour of any candidate with a criminal background and to appeal to political parties not to give electoral tickets to candidates with criminal antecedents.

Friends, in order to ensure that law breakers do not end up as law makers and only men with clean credentials wield democratic power, we need to join hands in our collective effort to curb the menace. To root out corrupt practices from the so called institutions of democracy like the police and bureaucracy and in light of the explosive growing nexus of money, muscle and political power,we need to work towards strengthening governance mechanisms in our lawless state where only political bullying and muscle power is the rule of the game and exposing corrupt practices and perpetrators of such practices is necessary .

We wil have roadblocks, we wil have problems but we need not back track. There will always be obstacles and challenges. Facing them and dealing with them rather than closing our eyes like the proverbial ostrich will be our mantra.
Lets pledge today to fight for a better Kashmir, a corruption free Kashmir.

Corruption as it is today!

Living in the twenty first century, wading through corruption and injustice meted out to underdogs, when we introspect, we can’t really make tall claims! Somewhere along we have failed.  Somewhere along, we lost the will, we lost our way.  With a heavy heart and through gritted teeth, I, like any other citizen, should accept responsibility for the corruption as it stands in my state today; not for doing any corruption myself but by enduring it, by not stopping corrupt people for doing so, having a laid back, lackadaisical attitude, thinking why should I be the one to bother! Till one day it hit me hard that things have gone out of hand.   However, the question I must still ask is,  ‘Can we change? Is there scope for redemption? Is there hope for this state that is hollow on the inside, dead on the outside?’

We as a society suffer from an overflow of unabated diseases with protean manifestations that infect the very organ system of our state which when put together breed more corruption.   However, when asking the citizens for the large scale corruption in our state, it’s mostly the politicians who seem to get the blame and not without any merit.

Our politicians are known for doing U-Turns in their statements and inadvertently perform Freud’s confirmation-by-denial as was seen in the case of Peerzadas and Rathers attempting to absolve themselves.  In attempting to deny, they actually end up confirming the accusation through the inconsistencies of their arguments.

The recent reports from the State Accountability Commission shows how the politicians are looting us left, right and centre and as corruption operations in our state go, it definitely has pizzazz and doesn’t lack in variety too: Unfortunately despite CBI proving the guilt of our politicians, they are never shown the boot. The government’s failure to act is a sign of the desperate deterioration in public institutions of the state.  For most people, corruption is something that must simply be endured. Meanwhile the public face of our Government, seems at best twittering and at worst indifferent to the whole scenario. His abject failure to show any planned leadership during the procession of corruption hitting our state puts the lie to his being the best man for the job.

Having said that,  we cannot exonerate ourselves from our duties as responsible citizens.  Nobody is at all ashamed of the deep-rooted corruption, decaying general quality of life and a worsening Politico-administrative system. By mindless and blindfold corruption, we are simply depriving our children of their fundamental rights to a decent, corruption free and dignified living.

We have to envision this corruption free path for us, for our future generations even though the scale of the task is too huge to comprehend a way out.  We don’t know how destiny would unfold for us, or how life will transform for us. Yet, we have to take the plunge, to step forward into the unforeseen, to find out for ourselves if we had the ability to stand in this world and fight for a corruption free Kashmir.

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Under the Microscope: The Trash Culture

Under the Microscope: The Trash Culture

Life is about loving with abandon!

In the sacrifice of love is the ecstasy of love and in the tremor of goodbye is the value of love!  Then why does it give pain when love isn’t reciprocated the way we want it to be?  All my life I wanted to be loved with abandon; all my life I craved for it. Why is true love so hard to find for some? Or is there some kind of beauty in sadness, some pleasure in pain, I wonder.
 Sometimes it becomes to much of an ordeal; this life for me. When waves of sadness glide on my shore, when tears wave their wand over my eyes, tumble down my face, when my mind traverses  a wooden path paved yet quaint, I ponder: Is it because I loved with abandon?  Trails of loneliness drift at my doorstep, hovering around. I close my eyes, wishing them away. They linger about in the irresolute way, in the stillness of night.
But comes the dawn and I wake up new; new hopes, new dreams. This is life, my friend, whispers someone in my ears; there is fire and storm yet there is hope and vision. Life is about loving with abandon. It must be about loving with abandon, it must be…

Monday, 2 January 2012

My good bacterias!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food," the age-old adage by Hippocrates, is certainly not an obscure and loose dogma of early antiquity but the tenet of today. The new generation's relationship with food is a mess, with many youngsters accustomed to a processed, unbalanced diet. We have become reliant on ready-to-cook meals, takeaways and off-the-shelf snacks. With poor nutrition comes poor health, often debilitating at a personal level and the cause of enormous social and economic expense.
Although we know benefits of eating good food, many of us just don't do enough to make fundamental changes to our diet. Rather than eat more fruit and vegetables and a good balance of complex carbohydrate and protein-foods, we are increasingly turning to foods and drinks fortified with specific nutrients or 'good' bacteria -as a 'magic fix' for our unbalanced lives.
As a result, the market for functional foods, or foods that promote health beyond providing basic nutrition, is flourishing. Within the functional foods movement is the small but rapidly expanding arena of probiotics - live microorganisms, which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host. Probiotics beneficially affect an individual by improving intestinal microbial balance. Use of probiotic has been since time immemorial: from sauerkraut in Russia to cheese in Baghdad and vegetables buried in earthen pots by Native Americans, these foods have been prized since ancient times. However, we've lost our connection with these foods in modern days, so they often seem so foreign. After growing up with refrigeration and the fear of "germs", it seems "wrong" to leave things on the counter to sour. The smell and taste is different from what we're used to having.
The traditional sources for beneficial bacteria are fermented foods, which are made by culturing fresh foods like milk or vegetables with live bacteria (usually a lactobacillus). Almost every food culture features some sort of fermented food, such as miso, yogurt, kefir, fresh cheese, sauerkraut, etc. Most often, they come from two groups of bacteria, Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium. Within each group, there are different species (for example, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidus), and within each species, different strains.
Probiotics bacteria can help relieve the symptoms of inflammatory bowel diseases, irritable bowel syndrome, colitis and alcoholic liver disease. The probiotics bacteria may help relieve constipation by improving intestinal mobility. Various forms of lactic acid bacteria added when manufacturing yogurt, acidophilus milk and fermented milk products such as kefir can help lessen the effects of lactose intolerance. This inability to digest the sugars that occur naturally in milk affects nearly 70 percent of the world's population.
There is also evidence that probiotics may help to prevent certain kinds of allergies because they have a beneficial effect on mucous membranes.
Although testing on humans is limited, preliminary evidence shows that probiotics can help boost the immune system. Studies of the effect of probiotics consumption on cancer appear promising. Animal and in vitro studies indicate that probiotics bacteria may reduce colon cancer risk by reducing the incidence and number of tumors.. Scientists have identified good bacteria already living in some humans that target and trap HIV and may protect against infection. "I believe every life form has its natural enemy, and HIV should not be the exception," says Dr. Lin Tao, Associate Professor of the Department of Oral Biology, College of Dentistry, and University of Illinois at Chicago. "If we can find its natural enemy, we can control the spread of HIV naturally and cost-effectively, just as we use cats to control mice."

Gnawing like a termite- Corruption

 Let us cleanse our mind from  greed,
 And hold our heads high….

Let our words still have some semblence of truth
And our deeds some essence of purity.....

Where we can still restore rationale its meaning
And return from the deadly desert of gluttony....

Let us recoil from the widening desire & lust 
And pledge together and pray for a Kashmir…..

where vultures dont erode our last shred of hope
And termites not gnaw us from inside….

Let us wake up
And rouse others for a corruption free Kashmir….